Just over nine years ago, I ran my first Social Media campaign.

Every since then, it has become a part of my day-to-day life, especially over the last few months.

The online world, and Social Media in particular has evolved so much, and I have found that businesses are being left disappointed with their efforts when either working alone, or outsourcing to an agency.

Before I share with you how I can actually help you achieve results through Social Media, I want to give you an insight into a day in the life of a Social Media manager.


At 5:30am, I wake up. My wake-up time used to be a little bit later, but now that I have a little girl, my timings have changed, and I have come to embrace this. The earlier I wake up, the more productive I am in the mornings.


At 6am, I get out of bed, and I make my coffee. For me, caffeine helps me wake up, and be as productive as possible. I have a great coffee machine that takes less than 60 seconds to make a coffee, so in this time, I check my phone for any missed calls or texts.


I sit down on my sofa with my coffee, and look through my emails on my phone. I will also, at this stage, have my laptop to my side, and a note pad and pen. I will look at my diary, and depending on whether I am delivering any training sessions, or working with clients, my to-do list will change.


If I am working at home for the day, I will have a quick shower to help me feel more awake, then head to my desk.

7am – 8am

I use this one hour to answer any emails that may have been missed the previous day, or throughout the evening.

8am – 9am

This is where I will spend an hour in the morning going through not only my Social Media, but my clients Social Media and looking at analytics, reply to messages and continue to source great content.

9am – 9:30am

This is when I will have breakfast. I prefer to wait a little while to have my breakfast, so that it fuels me up until lunch time, as my busy period is between 9:30am – 12pm.

9:30am – 12pm

As I wrote in the second edition of Think #Digital First, my “prime time” has changed. I used to be very alert in the afternoon, and could work into mid-late evening. With a little girl, I now find that when it gets to around 3:30pm, I start to dip, and know that to be my most productive, my important work needs to happen in the morning.

The two and a half hour slot in the morning until midday is where I will book in important calls with clients, create Social Media plans, and attend any necessary meetings over skype.

12pm – 1pm

This is where I will have my lunch. As my days start earlier, and finish earlier, I find that having my lunch between 12pm and 1pm is a good time to fuel me for a few hours in the afternoon.

1pm – 2pm

In this one-hour slot, I like to look at every single clients Social Media activity, and how well the content is performing. I will document all important statistics, ready for an end-of-day activity update to each of my clients.

2pm – 3pm

I will spend another hour going through emails, and following up on any missed calls/voicemails.

3pm – 4pm

At this stage of the day, I will have a check-in meeting with my team members to make sure they have everything they need to stay busy, or if they have any questions that need answering. I would have been in contact with them throughout the day anyway, but I always want to make sure that everything is running smoothly.

4pm – 5pm

This is where I will do my end-of-day activity update with each client. If scheduled in advance, this will be an over-the-phone discussion, or if my client has a busy day, it will be a simple email breaking down what has been achieved on that day, and offering a call, or to answer any questions.

5pm – 6pm

As I now tend to end my work day at around 6pm, I spend the last hour of my day going through emails and missed calls. I will also use this time to do my own research into trending topics, and to see what is going on in my industry, and spend some time answering questions mainly on Twitter (as this is my preferred social network).

6pm – onwards

From 6pm, I step away from my desk. At this stage, I have technically been in a “work zone” for just under 12 hours, so I like to put my phone down, and spend time with my family.

I have found that it is so important to find a time to relax, as this helps you stay as focused as possible during the day. For me, this is from 6pm in the evening, and I will repeat my day, 5 days a week (depending on meetings, travelling and talks).

Now that you have seen what a day in the life of a Social Media manager looks like, how would you like me to manage this for you? I have a 60-second questionnaire that I would like you to take part in that will potentially lead to your Social Media being managed by myself.

You can answer the questionnaire here, and if you have any questions, please do email us on hello@thinkdigitalfirst.com.

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