Did you know: By 2019, 80% of the content shared online will be video?
Regardless of whether you are a startup, small business or even a large business that has been selling for years, driving traffic with content is extremely difficult. Connecting with a target audience online is challenging and part of overcoming this, is creating great content that will drive traffic. Adding value is crucial and for the last 8 years, I have tried and tested hundreds of ways to drive traffic with content.
Over the 8 year period, certain ways have proved extremely successful, but I have also lost time and money in the process. To make sure you get a head start on your competitors, here are my 7 secrets to driving traffic with content.
1. Guest Blogging And Sharing Your Own Content
One of my biggest traffic drivers (if not the biggest) is through writing articles. I share two blogs a week on my Warren Knight website as well as being a contributor for Social Media Today and Business2Community and Infusionsoft.
Once I have written an article, it will get posted on my website, and shared across social media. LinkedIn Pulse in particular is a huge traffic driver and one which has generated revenue tenfold. Writing on your website is just the start. Guest posting is also extremely important.
2. Share Exclusive Content As Part Of Your Email Marketing
When it comes to driving traffic with content, one of the bests ways to do this is through email marketing. I have a list of over 10,000 businesses that will receive monthly emails from me, with great content which they have access to completely free of charge. This helps drive traffic back to my website through building trust when delivering a great piece of content through email.
3. Use Video To Show Your Audience Who You Truly Are
Pick up your smartphone, and film. It doesn’t have to be anything extremely professional and your audience will appreciate you just getting in front of the camera and showing them who is behind the business. Technology now allows us to create video content that is high quality at a low cost so utilise this and educate your audience by sharing with them how your products are made, interviews, customer testimonials and demo videos.
4. Create Visuals That Are Engaging
Yes, video is a great way to drive traffic with content, but don’t forget about visuals. Using a tool like Canva, allows you to create visuals that are engaging, and will drive traffic. Think about innovative infographics, quotes, product images etc that you could create which your audience will love.
5. Make Sure Your SEO Is On Point
Whilst SEO does not directly drive traffic with content, it plays a huge part in search engine traffic so it is key to make sure where possible, you are not only optimising your content, but using keywords specific to your business when doing this. I ran a webinar last year with an SEO expert so if you don’t know where to start, you can watch the webinar here.
6. Complimentary Webinars
If you have been an audience member of mine for just a month, you will have probably attended one of my webinars. I run webinars on a range of topics on a monthly basis. This year alone I have run 7 webinars and this is a great way for me to generate traffic with content, that converts into sales.
7. My Secret Tool: Openr
Driving traffic with content has never been easier when you use a tool like Openr. You come across a great article that you’re audience will find interesting and that has value, which you want to share. You just drop the URL into the Openr converter, create your Openr window with a message and call-to-action, sitting next to the article.
For every single article of mine that I share, I always “openr” it first. This means that when you, as a reader click on my link, you will not only be able to read the article I have written, but also see a pop up to either sign up to a complimentary webinar, sign up to be a part of my digital academy, or download one of my complimentary guides which are packed full of great information.
It wasn’t until I was at one of my Social Media Workshops, with a group of great entrepreneurs and small businesses that I really understood the need for a content calendar.
One of the biggest questions I am asked as a business growth expert is around blogging, and how to create the perfect content for my audience. This article will help you do that, but how do you PLAN all of this content?
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