If, like me you use Gmail as your preferred inbox, you can categorise your emails so that they can filter into certain folders, based on the information within the email. All of my “social” emails go into a separate folder, which I check once a week.
As I was looking through these emails, I noticed one from Twitter, talking about my analytics. This is also something I like to check on occasion but it’s not too often that I am logged into Twitter on my laptop, through their website (I use Hootsuite).
Twitter Analytics has been a working progress since August 2014 but after looking at my statistics and the depth in data that they have shared, I can say for definate that they have finally got it right.
Based on a 28 day period, you can see whether your account has seen increases, or decreases in tweets sent, impressions, profile visits, mentions, followers and tweets linking to you. See my results for July 2015 below.
As well as seeing the above results, you can also take a look at your tweet highlights that include your top tweet, top mention with the engagement around this, top follower, top media tweet and best card tweet.
Knowing these statistics will help you with your business growth on social media. Being able to analyse and track your tweets allows you to find out what your audience is most receptive to, and what kind of content they enjoy reading.
A trend which I have noticed around my top tweets over the last few months, are all based on an event I was speaking at. This shows that the marketing I do around an event I am speaking at is extremely powerful, and attracts a lot of new, potential followers and customers.
Want to see increases in your Twitter Analytics? Read my three tips below.
- Engage in two-way conversations
Having a conversation with your followers on Twitter shows that you are interested in what they have to say, and that you are there should they have any issues with your product/service.
- Share great, unique content
The content you share online can be reused however, you do need to make sure you are also using unique content that is chosen based on your online audience and their interests.
- Position yourself as a thought leader (or work with someone who is)
Being a thought leader in my industry has allowed me to earn an income as a keynote speaker, and to work with 100’s of small businesses. Build a great reputation and the rest will fall in place.
What do your Twitter Analytics tell you about your business?
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