Welcome to the new world of connecting with your consumers online.
For the next four weeks, I have decided to share snippets of information about each chapter of my just released book; Think #Digital First.
The first weeks blog was all about the first chapter of Think #Digital First; YOU: There will only ever be one. You have to question yourself, find out what you love, invest in yourself as an entrepreneur and find your own voice.
The second chapter is all about the Framework for Success #TheChoiceIsYours. If you don’t have the framework in place, to allow social media to become a piece to your business puzzle, it won’t make the perfect picture. You can read more on chapter two and the difficult questions you need to ask yourself as a business owner here.
Last week’s blog was all about Protecting Your Time: Focus on Sales #InsaneInTheMembrane. As a business owner, time management is key because there are many hats that you will need to wear. Your time will need to be split between the sales side of your business, marketing, finances, operations and being the ambassador of your brand.
In April 2000, Google became the search engine we have all grown to use on a daily basis and in 14 years, Google has managed to achieve more than any other company in the history of the internet. This brings us to the next part of your business growth journey through the use of Google and SEO (search engine optimisation).
Search engine optimisation is all about making sure your online presence is visible to those who are most likely going to need your product or service. SEO can be broken down into two types: Onsite and Offsite. Onsite is defined as being optimisation within your website and includes, domain name, meta description, web content, internal links, title tags and keywords, rich media files, permalinks, outbound links, bounce rate and loading speed. Offsite SEO is link building. Search engines will quantify a website’s influence online based on what other online sources say about the site, which is where link building comes in.
To read more about SEO, and how you can use technology to optimise your site for Google, along with templates, purchase Think #Digital First here.
Part of setting up a socially-savvy business is understanding each social network. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and Google+ are extremely important when it comes to business growth. To find out more about each network, and how you can use their features to increase your online sales, get your hands on a copy of Think #Digital First.
Social media is just one part of making your business socially-savvy. You also need to consider the following;
Digital Marketing
Posting an update on Facebook, sending a tweet on Twitter, uploading a pin on Pinterest, sending out a Google+ or LinkedIn update and sharing a photo on Instagram are organic ways to drive social media traffic. Social media is just one of many ways to drive organic traffic. To really make the most of generating traffic online, you need to consider digital marketing as a whole.
Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using a number of different digital channels to reach new and current consumers. The main objective of digital marketing is to promote your business through your digital media.
Email Marketing
If you decide to run a competition and ask for a name and email address, your end goal for this should be to use it as part of your email marketing strategy. Lead generation is one of the best ways to build your email database. However, you should never buy lists unless they have been 100% qualified. Delivering highly relevant content is a strategic goal, which 67% of marketers say their business wants to achieve through email marketing.
Some small businesses don’t have the budget needed to run advertisements and one of the only ways they can digital market their business is by blogging. There is some debate as to whether blogging is still as important as it used to be and I can say for certain, it is.
I write two blogs on my Warren Knight website every week and the first is posted on Tuesday (#TechTuesday), the second on a Friday (which is this blog) as per my online marketing strategy. It has been one of the best ways to validate myself as an influencer in my industry. If you struggle to write or can’t think of a title don’t worry, I share a great tool that will help you with this in chapter five of my book.
Content Marketing
Content marketing is creating and distributing valuable content across multiple channels using keywords to talk about the brand, product, service and target customer. Did you know that 61% of consumers prefer companies with custom online content?
Setting up a socially-savvy business is also about understanding how paid advertising works, how you can enter awards for your business, public relations and affiliate marketing. Next week I will be writing about Chapter 5; Tools to Help Your Business Grow #NoOneCanDoItBetter.
If you would like to purchase Think #Digital First, you can do so here.
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