Now is the perfect time for you to be working ON your business and embracing new challenges to help you survive and thrive in these difficult time.

Your new look business resolutions could include:

  • Re-launching your new look a business
  • Growing your social media audience/connections
  • Finding new prospects on Social Media
  • Using email marketing more effectively
  • Writing great blog content or even; designing images that tell your story.

If any of the above “resolutions” sound like something you want to achieve, then you’re in the right place and I’d love to help you kick start things getting back to normality (whatever that will look like) in 2020 and fulfill your new business resolutions.

Did you know that 80% of decisions are made to buy a product or service without even having a single marketing/sales call? 

People now go online to find reviews, ask advice, get recommendations and seek out influencers to help them solve a problem!

Starting on the 1st of April, 2020, I am going to be running a 30-day Digital Marketing challenge. 

My Digital Marketing Challenge is completely free of charge and has been designed for experts, entrepreneurs, business owners, and marketing managers.

I want you to ask yourself the following three questions:

  1. Do I know how to create content that connects with your target customer?
  2. Do I know how to use technology to help me save time?
  3. Am I happy with the traffic I am generating for my website?

If the answer is NO then over 30-days I will share with you how to solve this and give you the process and tools you need to create and publish the perfect content to find and engage with your digital target customers to generate new leads.

What the challenge will cover:

Engaging Online

Find out what your audience wants from you as a business through this Digital Marketing Challenge.

Generating New Leads

Utilise all of the tools and actions shared with you in this digital challenge to help you generate new leads. 

Gaining Customer Insight

Find out how you can utilise online support to engage with your target audience and generate new prospects.

Saving Time Online

Find out how you can save time and focus on sales using the tools shared with you over the 30-day challenge.

Tools For Growth

Gain access to tools that not only help you generate leads using digital marketing but also help you save time online.

Building Your Brand Identity

Understand what your audience are saying about your business online, and how to improve brand awareness.

Creating Content

Learn how to create, find, share and organise content online that delivers results for your business.

Measuring Success

Find out how you can measure and improve your online performance through a Social Media dashboard.

How You’ll Benefit From The Challenge:

  • Grow your brand awareness amongst your audience with social sharing opportunities
  • Improved customer insight on a platform where the audience provides its point-of-view through comments and other interactive behavior.
  • Improved brand loyalty with communication technology tailored to the desired audience
  • Better SEO and higher website higher conversion rates
  • Reaching new groups of target audiences and the ability to amplify social content
  • Driving leads through content marketing
  • Learn how to automate your content
  • How to use A.I. to add value and generate leads

In this free Digital Marketing challenge, you will gain access to the 15+ best tools I use to improve my online communication, and I’ll be sharing the 15 best actions that drive traffic and win new business and I’m giving all of this to you for FREE!

I will also share with you the importance of being consistent with your message online, the best ways to understand what your audience wants from you and how to create content that drives success.​

How does that sound?

As I have mentioned above, the Digital Marketing challenge is completely free of charge and begins on the 1st of April for 30 days. 

If you would like to secure your place for the challenge, fill in your details below (we will not spam you or sell your data… NEVER)


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