12th FEBRUARY 19:00 GMT

With 62% of marketers considering LinkedIn a successful revenue driver, I knew I had to create a LIVE TRAINING for you to help you achieve success on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the best B2B social network and there is no doubt about that. Over 40% of LinkedIn users check their accounts daily, 42% update their LinkedIn profile regularly and LinkedIn has over 660 million members. Whilst LinkedIn has been around since 2002, small businesses are still finding it hard to generate sales through the strategic use of LinkedIn.

I have 29,000 connections, 400+ long-form posts, and over 30,000 content followers on LinkedIn. One of my posts has received over 15,000 views, 1000+ likes, 70+ comments and can attribute a massive ROI from LinkedIn, as an “All-Star” profile.

Whilst as a business you might have a social media strategy to connect with your target customers, as a business owner, executive or sales and marketing manager you personally have to decide what YOU want to get from YOUR LinkedIn profile.

The one hour exclusive LinkedIn Training with myself and Vic Williams will cover the following;

  • SEVEN step formula for building your profile, getting engagement and generating leads
  • Build your LinkedIn network with QUALITY business followers and connections
  • How to find potential customers using LinkedIn’s search functionality
  • Get to the top of LinkedIn for your specific keywords in less than 60 seconds
  • Utilise all of LinkedIn’s features to put you one step ahead of your competition
  • The BEST ways to share targeted and relevant industry information
  • Learn 3 SECRET LinkedIn features you didn’t know about
  • The do’s, and don’ts of your profile
  • Design and implement a networking strategy

The LinkedIn Training has been specifically designed for executives and professionals who want to achieve more connections, leads and sales through the strategic use of LinkedIn.

If achieving more connections, leads and sales through LinkedIn is important to you and your business, our LinkedIn Webinar is a MUST-WATCH!

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