Are you a busy fool?
One thing I’ve learnt in last three years between writing the first, and second edition of Think #Digital First is the impact it’s managing my work schedule has had on my life.
Making the decision to have a ‘lifestyle’ where my work and family are one and not a work/life balance, has meant that I’ve not only had to value my time (not to every 30 minutes but every 10 minutes) but also my organisation (me and my team) as well as my personal commitments. Something I’ve taken away from this is the knowledge of how my energy shifts throughout the day.
The way I was working three years ago is very different to today. My energy levels are at their optimum before the afternoon, any time from 5am to 3pm, so when it comes to being creative, managing my team and speaking to new channel partners; this is my ‘prime time’. The less important tasks such as admin and emails all come later in the afternoon.
We have all found ourselves in the position of being a “busy fool” where we get to the end of the day, look back on everything we have done and wondered “what have I actually done” and “where have I focused my time today”.
As an entrepreneur, you’re always going to be busy. The question is, are you a busy fool? This is an industry term used to describe someone who is doing a lot of things, but not owning their time or growing their business.
In the third chapter of the second edition of Think #Digital First I share my own real-life experiences, and how I protect my time to focus on sales.
I have found it so important to understand where time is being spent, and because of this, I share with you a great document, broken down into 30 minute segments so that you can better plan your day.
This chapter, for me, has been something I will continue to read on a regular basis as it realigns me, and helps me get focused and understand my “prime time” and how to manage the “different hats” of a business owner.
If 99% of visitors don’t buy a product/service it’s because business owners cannot sell it so the importance of time management, and understanding how to focus on sales is key.
I don’t want to give too much away around this chapter because it needs to be understood as a whole, for it to have a real impact on the way you manage your time.
To find out more about chapter three of Think #Digital First, you can purchase your copy here.
I have also written two blogs previous to this one talking about chapter one and chapter two. You can read all about chapter one here, and chapter two here.
Stay tuned for the next article where I will talk about the most revised, updated and expanded chapter in the new edition of Think #Digital First.
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